
The following road safety education resources are available at no cost from Roadsafe Taranaki.

Driving Tips Booklet

46 Page A5 Booklet on Gloss paper

Contains tips for safe driving, keeping your vehicle safe, and what to do in an emergency. A great resource for new drivers and parents but contains useful information for everyone.

Fatigue Brochure

A4 three fold flyer on paper

Describes causes, indicators and how to manage fatigue. Includes indicator checklist.

Courteous Driving

Rack Card

Provides tips on courteous driving and consideration for other road users including pedestrians and cyclists.

Drive to the Conditions

Rack Card

Provides advice on safe stopping distances and driving in adverse conditions, rural and unsealed roads.


A4 three fold flyer on paper

Summarises intersection rules and crash statistics.

Get Ride Ready

A4 three fold flyer on paper

A 10 point safety check summary.

Shift Work and Driver Fatigue

16 Page A5 Booklet on Gloss paper

Provides advice for shift workers and driver fatigue.

Checks to Keep You Safe on the Road

Rack card

A checklist to help you keep safe on the road.

4 Carmen

4 Carmen

12 Page A5 Booklet on Gloss paper

The story of Carmen Rogers.

Bus Safety

A4 three fold flyer on paper

These bus safety tips cover traveling to and from the bus stop (whether that is walking, cycling, via scooter or in a vehicle), being safe at the bus stop and what good safe behaviour on the bus looks like.

Te Haumarutanga Pahi

A4 three fold flyer on paper

These bus safety tips in Te Reo Māori covers traveling to and from the bus stop (whether that is walking, cycling, via scooter or in a vehicle), being safe at the bus stop and what good safe behaviour on the bus looks like.

Safe Holiday Tips

Rack card

The summer holiday period usually means an increase in road crashes. Busy and unfamiliar roads, fatigue and restless children can all contribute. Good planning can reduce the risk.

How to Share the Road Safely With Trucks

A4 three fold flyer on paper

The Trucking Industry is constantly initiating ways to improve its safety performance and has achieved many favourable outcomes. The industry appreciates you taking time to read this safety tips guide.

Slow Down Around Schools

Rack card

Speed around schools is a major road safety issue. Speed is not just about exceeding the posted speed limit; it is about going too fast for the conditions. SLOW DOWN and help the school keep their students safe.

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