
About This Project

Vehicle speed is an important factor in road safety.

Speed (the problem) is not just about driving faster than the posted speed limit. It is absolutely about driving too fast for the conditions. Driving at 100 km per hour when weather conditions are poor or when a road or street is busy with people is usually not appropriate or safe.

As a nation, we need to review our own driving behaviour before we start pointing at any other driver. Slow down, take your time and think about how your decision-making and speed could affect other road users.


Current Roadsafe Taranaki Speed Projects

Speed Past Schools

Roadsafe Taranaki works with NZ Police, Taranaki SADD (Students Against Dangerous Driving) secondary schools, New Plymouth Injury Safe and New Plymouth District Council to run a Back to School promotion during the start of school terms.

The NZ Transport Agency has developed a Safer journeys for rural schools guide https://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/safer-journeys-for-schools/

Rural Speed

Roadsafe Taranaki works with the New Plymouth District Councils Let’s Go team to deliver the What are you missing? campaign that is targeted at all people using Taranaki roads. With more people cycling, jogging and walking to stay active, rural roads have become busier but don’t have the width to create separated lanes between vehicles and vulnerable road users.

Included in this campaign are high visibility vests for children walking to and from school bus stops, exhibiting at rural workshops/shows and conferences and providing suggested school newsletter articles/advertising to remind parents to drive to the conditions.

Workplace Charter

The Charter is the perfect instrument to implement some great initiatives to keep staff who drive a vehicle on the road as safe as possible. The Charter has been designed with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 in mind. It is an effective tool for small, medium, large or sole trader companies and organisations as it provides logical steps in regards to employee road safety and also demonstrates their commitment to the safety of their workforce when on the road. The Charter can support the work you are already delivering in relation to Health & Safety and ensure contractors, sub-contractors, volunteers and trainees also commit to the safety and well-being of workers on your site.

If you are interested in signing up or would like further information/clarification on any sections of the Charter, please contact one of our team on roadsafetaranaki@stdc.govt.nz

Drive to the condition pamphlet

Courteous Driving pamphlet


Useful Links
